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Senin, 15 November 2010

Mirror Mirror on the Wall

Yesterday I bought a mirror. But no, it's not a magic mirror like in Snow White story. In fact it's just a small mirror. Then what's so special about it? the mirror has a nice batik design behind.

FYI guys, batik is the traditional art of Indonesia that has various colors and patterns. Every region in Indonesia has it's own pattern which is different from other region. And every pattern has it's own meaning too. Usually the meaning is related with ancestors or local communities' belief. It's always fun when it comes to history and ancient things, isn't it?

But there are still many people especially teenagers who avoid wearing batik for general occasion. They feel ashamed when they wore it for hang-out because they think that it has been out-of-date. Why should we ashamed of wearing our amazing heritage? Don't judge batik as a moment trend, judge it as an Indonesian heritage that needs to be preserved. Let's preserve batik, guys!

batik could be very fashionable, just be creative with mix n match

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